Some time has passed since Adam Jones last snared with Ale Tedesco. Be that as it may, presently Adam is back, in the wake of visiting the field on his bicycle. Brew, who had been relaxing out on the yard, greets him wholeheartedly… also, an open mouth! Beer gives Adam the VIP treatment- – kissing, licking and snacking – in the wake of stripping him down. The two at that point get into some heavenly, common cocksucking, with a hot 69 session that will leave you slobbering. Tragically, all beneficial things must reach a conclusion, however with a synchronous climax that will take your breath away. Plainly, these two missed one another!
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Gay Bear Adam Jones Gets Barebacked By Ale Tedesco
Date: November 14, 2019
Gay Bareback Actors: Adam Jones / Ale Tedesco